Basics of Banking

While we may agree that there is possibly no end in learning and sharpening one’s skill set, it is safe to say that knowing the basics of banking is an expertise that can be used throughout one’s life. This not only augments one’s pool of knowledge but also makes life easier if he or she has a taste for an efficient and modern life. Apart from well-equipping oneself before entering the gigantic arena of the banking universe, this course has also been carefully curated by handpicking important topics so that an attendee is more apt to know how to designate money properly and use their bank account to document their savings and spending habits.

Number of Classes


Class Duration

2 hours

Learning Outcomes

Knowing the basics of banking: what is Banking; how does the Banking Industry work; what are the Types of Banks; what are the Top Banks in Bangladesh etc.
Having a fair idea regarding the Products and Services of Banks
Understanding how the various Functions of Banks work
Getting familiar with the important documents in the Bank and how do they impact Banks
Getting to know different Types of Loans and Types of Returns

Md Sabbir Hossain


Md Sabbir Hossain, ACCA started his career at Standard Chartered Bank and has been here for almost around 3.5 years now. He has been exploring various roles in Finance – Cost and Performance Management, Business Planning and Analysis, Group Financial Reporting & Regulatory Reporting. He is an ACCA member and have also graduated from North South University in BS Economics. He completed both ACCA and graduation simultaneously. He is also pursuing CFA at this moment.

At this point, He is eager to enhance his professional skills and make a lasting mark in the banking world. He also has an ACCA teaching experience of around 2 years.

We work hard to prepare every student for their professional life

Our courses offer a good compromise between the continuous assessment and the emphasis placed on exams